Ana Vaz
The Voyage Out develops around two events that occurred in Japan: on the one hand, the Fukushima nuclear disaster, which occurred in March 2011 following the tsunami that ravaged the Tôhoku region; on the other hand, the volcanic eruption in November 2013 in the Ogasawara archipelago that created a new island off Nishino-shima before agglomerating with this main island. By placing these phenomena in parallel, Ana Vaz’s project questions our Anthropocene era by telescoping documentary and fiction, geological time and extreme contemporaneity, anthropological poetics and criticism of industrial modernity.
Following a period of investigation on site in June 2018, the exhibition at Casa Conti – Ange Leccia in Oletta from July 17 to September 30 wishes to present an experimental format combining different practices (films, performances, installations), such as the first stage of a narrative device that will then unfold at LUX moving images in London, at the Khiasma space in Les Lilas (which hosted him in residence in 2017), and at Confort Moderne in Poitier. Produced by Spectre productions with the help of the CNAP, the CNC’s Device for Multimedia and Digital Artistic Creation (DICRéAM) and TBA21 – Academy, Ana Vaz’s work explores the current conditions of fiction as an alternative to disaster and an affirmation of possibilities. She links historical research to post-humanist speculations in order to produce a new cartography that is both sensitive and political.

Ana Vaz, The Voyage Out, 2016 – en cours, vidéo 16mm/HD, Spectre Productions, avec le soutien du CNAP (Centre National des Arts Plastiques)
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