Curator: Fabien Danesi

At the time of the sixth mass extinction of species, Zoo Cosmos is following the “animal trail” to question our relationship to those we have too often considered as otherness which we have had to free ourselves from. Faced with the acceleration of this extermination process, engaged with modernity, the artists come back to the caesura between “us” and “them” in order to better question it. From the bewitching contemplation of Anne-Charlotte Finel to the empathy of Ben Thorp Brown through the mutinous violence staged by Caroline Poggi, it is a plurality of approaches that is proposed, the only possibility to translate the density of relationships that we maintain with those that we have deprived of the possibility of responding to each other, as Jacques Derrida pointed out. It is precisely on the speaking side that Bertrand Dezoteux, Hoël Duret, Basim Magdy and Gernot Wieland turn, whose works are in turn childish, malicious, hallucinated, poetic and absurd, in a continuous confrontation with our own limits vis -to what we perceive as animals. Thus, the selection of Zoo Cosmos recalls with Baptiste Morizot that “we are rich in a thousand interior animals, like other animals, but that our cultural and technical way of life allows us to combine them in a plural way. To reveal their multiplicity, to express them in indefinitely new constellations.

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Anne-Charlotte Finel, Entre chien et loup, 2015, vidéo HD, 5’44’’ musique : Luc Kheradmand Courtesy de l’artiste et de la galerie Jousse Entreprise, Paris
Basim Magdy, New Acid, 2019, Super 16mm et messages texte générés par ordinateur transférés en full HD, 14’18’’ Courtesy de l’artiste et de la galerie Gypsum Gallery
Ben Thorp Brown, Cura, 2019, vidéo, 17’
Ben Thorp Brown, Cura, 2019, vidéo, 17’
Ben Thorp Brown, Cura, 2019, vidéo, 17’
Bertrand Dezoteux, Zootrope, 2020, vidéo, 14’42’’
Bertrand Dezoteux, Zootrope, 2020, vidéo, 14’42’’
Caroline Poggi, Chiens, 2013, vidéo HD, couleur, 24’ Acteur : Ghjuvanu Ghjelormu Poggi
Gernot Wieland, Thievery and Songs, 2016, vidéo 16:9, 22’40’’
Hoël Duret, Drop Out, 2020, vidéo 4K sonore, 23’05′′
Hoël Duret, Drop Out, 2020, vidéo 4K sonore, 23’05′′
Hoël Duret, Drop Out, 2020, vidéo 4K sonore, 23’05′′
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