Group show with Trisha Baga, Mélissa Epaminondi, Dominique Gonzales-Foerster, Ange Leccia and Ben Russell
Understood as an error of the senses maintained by the intelligence, hallucination also translates a deviation from reality stimulated by the imagination. It is thus under the sign of mental visions that the exhibition Hallucination(s) unfolds this summer in the rooms of the Préfiguration of the Ange Leccia contemporary art center. The artist from Oletta is of course present, as well as Melissa Epaminondi. Alongside them are Trisha Baga, Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster and Ben Russell, artists of international renown, for a journey composed solely of films. From the spectators of a solar eclipse in Paris to the view from the lighthouse on the Lavezzi Islands to a projection on a disco ball, each work transforms perception into an experience that is both destabilizing and poetic. Rather than freeing itself from reality, Hallucination(s) proposes to divert it from its alleged objectivity to make the act of looking a practice that is proper to the distraction and to new sensations.

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